Sunday 7 February 2021

Dutche Chocolates: Dark Chocolate Bar with Stevia

I am a big fan of dark chocolates, the bitter the better. I am also into dieting. The kind of dieting that trying to be healthy, you know what I mean. These times when I started living a healthy life, I am trying my best to reduce my sugar consumption. I also emit chocolates in my life. Fortunately, I am not addicted to chocolate and I do not like chocolates that much but I love KitKat, Reese, and toblerone.

Since I am in a family who is genetically diabetic, I am conscious on my sugar intake. While I am browsing online looking for groceries, I have seen this kind of chocolate and it catches my eyes because of the word Stevia on it.

I am not that familiar with Stevia but I know that it is a good substitute for sugar especially for those who are diabetic. It is a good thing, right? To further enhance my knowledge about it and to make sure that I am eating a healthy one, I searched it on the internet. Stevia is calorie- and carb-free so it is considered healthy. Also, it has numerous benefits and considered safe.

Dutche Chocolates is a Philippine company. Aside form dark chocolate bars, they also offer products for baking and others like polvoron. They are available online and in grocery stores nearby. Support local.

I will be honest here, I am so intrigue with this Stevia that I made my expectation high. This is my first time trying it and I am so surprised that this does not taste sugary at all. It really tastes bitter. I have not tasted any sweetness on it. I ditched this one for a while because I can not take the bitterness even though I only ate a bar portion of it. I bought two pieces just in case I crave for the other one but since I dislike the taste, I gave the other one to my boyfriend to let him judge it. He said that the taste is okay and tolerable. He also said that he did not taste any sweetness but it is not that too bitter. He liked it actually that he wants another one.

Since I trust his taste buds, I give it another shut. Maybe I just expect too much that is why I reacted that way. Now, I am consuming it portion by portion but I will not buy this again.

I still recommend it for people who are in no sugar and diabetic. This is a good option though.

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